A Brief Review of the Best Apps

Members Download:  TNPTVol5Issue6pp8-13 Smartphone technology has been increasingly used in the medical field and is currently rising in the field of behavioral health. Some behavioral health interventions include addressing substance abuse (Bernhardt et al., 2009;...

It’s Not the Stress You Feel, It’s the Stress You Don’t

Members Download:  TNPTVol5Issue6pp34-53 No-one can live without experiencing some type of stress all the time. You may think that only serious disease or intensive physical or mental injury can cause stress. This is false. Crossing a busy intersection, exposure to a...

The Art of the Brain

Members Download:  TNPTVol5Issue6pp14-29 M y nontraditional path to art through a doctorate in neuroscience arms me with an outsider’s perspective and gives me the freedom to introduce imagery and concepts derived from a different world than is traditionally...

The Neuropsychotherapist Volume 5 Issue 6

THE NEUROPSYCHOTHERAPIST Volume 5 Issue 6 (June 2017) ISSN 2201-9529   Members Download: TNPTVol5Issue6 Content As the psalmist once said, we are “fearfully and wonderfully made”. How true that is when we consider the immense complexity of the brain—and its...

Ken Benau

Download Article: TNPTVol5Issue5pp58-59 Ken Benau, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist with 27 years’ experience. He has a private practice in psychotherapy, consultation and training in Kensington, CA, located in the San Francisco Bay area. For many years, Ken...

Work Stressed and Play?

Work Stressed and Play? A brief look at competitive gaming Members Download the Article here: TNPTVol5Issue5pp48-54 To date, competitive gaming has not been widely researched or recognised in the scientific and professional literature on video games. As the name...

The Neuroscience of War

Download Article: The Neuroscience of War As the Middle East rages with war and terrorism, one can only be awed by the magnitude of the conflict,  the degree of the calamity that is taking place there, and its effect on the children. Millions of children in the region...

The Neuropsychotherapist Issue 5 Volume 5

THE NEUROPSYCHOTHERAPIST Volume 5 Issue 5 (May 2017) ISSN 2201-9529   Members Download: TNPTVol5Issue5 Content It is no secret that attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a major mental health concern today. Prevalence appears to have risen sharply...

Dan Siegel

Download Article TNPTVol5Issue4pp50-51 Dr. Siegel is a clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine and the founding co-director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center at UCLA. He is also the Executive Director of the Mindsight Institute, an...
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