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Addiction as a disease of isolation

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  NPT 1 month, 2 weeks ago.

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  • #29422

    Richard Hill

    A number of recent research papers are showing that lack of relationship o failure to establish and maintain relationship leaves people with a deficit that, for some, can be placated by addiction. This may be only one aspect of the research, but I am fascinated by the idea that it is not the drug or the alcohol or the gambling or the sex that is the sought after thing, it is the addiction itself. First, is that a reasonable assessment of at least an aspect of addiction?; and second, is it reasonable to suggest that addiction can be something that supplies need, companionship and even comfort? I am keen to learn more about this subject from those more expert that me 🙂

  • #29423


    I’m keen to learn more as well. I’ll be watching this one!
    Probably goes some way to explaining why one type of addiction is easily replaced with another by those struggling with addictions.

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