Shooting Rampages

Dr Jeffrey Magnavita   The Big Question: “Shooting Rampages - is it really a mental health issue? And what can we do?”   Residing in the state of Connecticut where the horrific mass murder of 20 young children and 6 adults occurred, without warning on December 14th, 2012 at...

Shooting Rampages

Professor Todd Feinberg   The Big Question: “Shooting Rampages -is it really a mental health issue? And what can we do?”     According to an editorial co-written by Gabrielle Giffords, former Democratic U.S. representative from Arizona, and her husband Mark Kelly, there...

Shooting Rampages

Dr William Hirstein   The Big Question: “Shooting Rampages - is it really a mental health issue? And what can we do?”   One way to approach the issue is to ask, Which is easier to deal with, our proliferation of guns or our mental health issues? There are plenty of examples...

Shooting Rampages - what can we do?

The Big Question January 2013 “Shooting Rampages - is it really a mental health issue? And what can we do?” THE BIG QUESTION is a regular activity for our Panel of Experts to weigh in on topics of general interest. Our Panel of Experts will be posting their opinions in the weeks and months ahead, and you will find their posts under this category of ‘Big Questions’. If you would like to keep up with this subject please put in your email address in the ‘Email Update’ box to the right to receive new posts on this...