Why Therapy Works

    Download Article: Why Therapy Works TNPTVol4Issue1pp6-17 If necessity is the mother of invention, then what necessities gave rise to the invention of psychotherapy? The answer to this question lies in our evolutionary history and how it is expressed in...

Sustaining the Social Brain Throughout Life

 Sustaining the Social Brain Throughout Life Louis Cozolino  Subscribers Download Article:  TNPTissue20pp14-21 Although psychotherapists spend most of our time focusing on the profound impact of early nurturance on the shaping of the social brain, we also know that...

Our Social Brains

Our Social Brains Louis Cozolino Subscribers Download Article:  Our Social Brains Relationships are our natural habitat and the drive to belong is a fundamental human motivation. From birth until death,each of us needs others to help us feel safe, seek us out, and...

The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy

The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy Interview with Louis Cozolino David Van Nuys DOI: 10.12744/tnpt(3)090-100 Subscribers Download Article: Interview with Louis Cozolino David Van Nuys interviews Louis Cozolino on the neuroscience of psychotherapy....
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